3 Reasons You’re Gaining Weight After Dieting for a Week

Gaining Weight After Dieting for a WeekThe only thing worse than failing to lose when you’re on a diet is gaining weight after dieting for only a short period of time. It’s not uncommon for people to work as hard as they can to stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise every day only to see the number going up on the scale instead of down.

The key to stopping yourself from gaining weight after dieting is to know why it’s happening in the first place. That way, you can stop your weight from being turned into a regular yo-yo.

Have a look at three of the top reasons for gaining weight after dieting for only a short time. This way, you can help yourself by avoiding them. The more you understand your weight and why it moves up or down, the better you’ll arm yourself to keep the excess gone once you’ve burned it off.

1. You’re not consistent about your diet.

Yes, you may have made some changes to your diet, but are you being consistent about them? If you’ve only reduced a few meals, then you may not have made enough of a difference to lose weight in a way you can see it on the scale. Moreover, it may not be enough to counterbalance some of the larger meals you’ve had that could be packed with additional calories. It’s not that you need to starve yourself, but it’s important to learn about the foods you’re eating and make sure that the majority of the meals and snacks you eat fit into your new and healthy lifestyle.

2. You’re stressed out.

If you’re extremely stressed or anxious, then the odds are that your cortisol production is quite high at the moment. Cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone often known as the “stress hormone.” When it’s present, it makes it hard to sleep and it slows your metabolism. These two factors can not only make it harder to lose weight, but it can also make it easier for you to gain weight, even if you’re being more careful about what you’re eating. Try to practice some stress management techniques to overcome your added emotional strain. This will help to reduce your cortisol levels and bring your metabolism back to normal.

3. You’re not getting enough sleep.

When you aren’t sleeping right, you’re slowing down your metabolism, you’re placing yourself at risk of fatty and sugary food cravings and you’re reducing the proper function of your body. All these factors can be devastating to an effort to lose weight. Make sleep a priority to help to get the weight off and keep it gone.

Don’t forget that a high quality diet pill like PhenBlue can give you a considerable advantage over your weight management with fat burners, fat blockers and appetite suppressants.

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