Why Green Tea Extract is So Effective for Weight Loss

Green Tea Extract effects

Everyone is looking for a new way to lose weight and all of the pills on the market swear that they have the best ingredients to help you lose weight quickly. But if you are looking at a pill that does not list green tea extract as one of its main ingredients, you are missing out on one of the best weight loss ingredients ever. But how is green tea extract so effective at helping you lose weight?

The main ingredient that is found in green tea extract is called Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. This is a compound that has been shown in many different health studies to increase how fast you can get rid of fat; in some cases this number was a high as 33 percent. While there are many things that green tea is able to help out with, weight loss is one of the most exciting options.

Some of the great weight loss benefits that you can get from taking green tea extract include;

  • Being able to increase fat oxidation and metabolism—this means that even if you are eating the same amounts of food, it is going to be able to get it metabolized faster and you can lose weight more efficiently.
  • Inhibits the development of fat cells. Without the right amount of fat cells, you are not able to store fat in your body.
  • Increases the amount of fat that is excreted out of body. When you take in fat, you will be able to just excrete it before it gets stored so that you are not getting a belly back or any other issues.

To get these benefits, it is best to take in some green tea extract at least once a day. Drinking it is a good idea and you can have a cup of the green tea of your choice with each meal in order to flush out your system a few times a day. If drinking green tea is not your thing, it is good to find a safe and effective weight loss pill that contains green tea extract as one of its main ingredients. You will be able to get the same great benefits as drinking it in a more concentrated method in order to see the results with a healthy diet and lots of good exercise.

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