The Link Between Joint Pain and Weight, Plus How to Get Relief

joint pain and weight linkSuffering from obesity or being overweight can come with a range of unwanted health symptoms. Among them, the link between joint pain and weight is among the more common and problematic. These pains can be everything from soreness and stiffness after inactivity to certain twinges when walking on concrete or climbing stairs.

If you’re concerned that you’re starting to feel the beginning signs of the arthritis that runs in your family? If your joints aren’t playing as nicely as they used to, you might want to look into the joint pain and weight connection before you assume you’ll be in agony for the rest of your life. The reason is that being overweight or obese places you at a considerably higher risk of pain in your joints and as long as you take action to remedy it soon enough, it may not lead to a long term problem.

The first thing you should do to overcome the connection between joint pain and weight is to make sure that your weight is where it should be. Talk to your doctor and find out if you are within a healthy range for your body type and medical needs. If not, find out how you should take corrective action to overcome your weight struggle. Certain dietary and fitness changes will likely be involved.

The reason that your weight and pain in your joints are connected is that the heavier you are, the more your joints need to carry around. This is particularly true of weight-bearing joints such as hips, knees and ankles. The more weight your joints must carry, the greater the pressure and the wear it can experience.

The next issue has to do with inflammation. The heavier you are, the greater your risk of inflammation in your body. This can lead to swelling and pain in various areas of your body, particularly the joints. Certain joints are more likely to experience this pain than others, such as in your fingers.

While some of this pain – particularly the inflammation and pressure – can be overcome through efforts to lose the excess weight, if you take too long to take action, the pain can actually become permanent. The inflammation can be reduced, of course, but the additional wear and tear on the joints can become a problem the body is unable to repair.

If this is your concern, speak with your doctor about the difference nonprescription PHENBLUE can make to your efforts to reach your goals and prevent weight related pain in your joints. Even though your doctor may want you to ultimately buy Phentermine, a prescription medication, an OTC alternative like PHENBLUE may be better suited for you.

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