DDT Pesticide Linked to Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome and DDTThere are a lot of people who, despite their efforts, are finding it rather difficult to maintain a healthy weight. This problem could be due to a variety of factors, but according to recent studies, the pesticide DDT is directly linked to metabolic syndrome in several interesting ways. Protecting yourself against the dangers of this chemical is already important to your overall health, but when you add in the fact that it could also wreak havoc on your fitness, it then becomes imperative for you to look out, especially if you are trying to manage your metabolism.

What Is DDT?

In order to understand the link between DDT and metabolic syndrome, you first need to know what DDT is. DDT, which stands for Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, is a synthetic compound that is most commonly used as an organic insecticide or pesticide. It is usually put into a group of chemicals known as chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, which tend to concentrate in organisms that lie at the top of the food train and then trickle down to other species, causing serious health problems. Because of this, DDT has now been banned in several places all over the world.

What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is something with which a lot of people are not familiar, but it is nonetheless a hot topic of conversation in some quarters. Identified just a couple decades ago, this widespread ailment is actually a combination of several different illnesses. Because the syndrome has so many variables, there are an estimated 47 million people in the United States alone who have it—with Hispanics, Asians, African-Americans, and Native Americans as the leading demographic groups to suffer from the condition. Although there are lots of different causes for metabolic syndrome, there does seem to be an increased risk associated with age progression and excessive DDT contact.

How Are the Two Linked?

The development of metabolic syndrome has a lot to do with your genetic constitution and environment, but it also depends heavily on your lifestyle. Consuming foods that have been treated with a DDT insecticide can be rather damaging to your metabolic health. The chemicals that compose the typical dose of DDT can create an insulin resistance in the body, and this can turn your hormonal balance into a hectic wreck. Ask your doctor or a certified nutritionist for more information, but in the meantime it may be the best plan of action simply to steer clear of DDT altogether.

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